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Featured Testimonial

It is an honor to work with Dr. Kotler. She and I have been collaborating on patients who have gone through challenging behavioral health concerns over the past several years. Dr. Kotler is an expert at treating complex mental health conditions and valued by her patients tremendously. Colorado has been facing a mental health crisis, especially since the pandemic, and it is extremely difficult to find a provider who is available and takes time to provide the quality care for the patients. Dr. Kotler is exceptionally caring and goes above and beyond to meet her patients' needs. Everyone who works with her is truly happy, and I am very fortunate to continue to collaborate and learn from Dr. Kotler. I highly recommend Dr. Kotler to any patients I work with.
I am very impressed with Dr. Caroline Kotler in many ways. I also feel lucky to have found her.

Dr. Kotler has been working with my 14 year old daughter for her depression and anxiety and overall behavior health. Dr Kotler’s wealth of knowledge of anti-depressants and all other medications is remarkable. Prior to seeing Dr. Kotler I have taken my daughter to see countless therapists, psychiatrists and pediatricians and while all of them tried to help they were not able to help my daughter feel better.

Dr. Kotler spent several hours with us during our first appointment to get a specific medical and behavioral history. She then suggested a Geomind genetic swab test to find out how medications are metabolized specifically in my daughter’s body. This test came back with so much great information. Dr. Kotler explained in great detail what each line item meant to us. I have never had a Dr. care enough to spend that much time over several visits to ask questions and explain the diagnosis and the suggested therapy plan.

Dr. Kotler stays close with follow-up visits and I feel that I could reach out to her at any time to ask for help or give her information of any changes in my daughter’s mood. Dr Kotler’s kindness and empathy is so heartfelt. I love the fact that even though she has many, many patients to take care of she makes us feel very special and cared about. Her professionalism, along with her compassion, makes her a very special medical professional. As a parent herself, she has been able to give me some coping skills and great advice. In a hustle bustle very busy world, I know I can count on Dr. Kotler for the absolute best care imaginable. She shines brighter than any other doctor we have every worked with.
Ellen Renee Smith
Mother of patient
Dr. Kotler has been my children’s pediatrician for 15+ years, and has always been a constant light in our lives. Early on my daughter exhibited signs of anxiety disorder and hypochondria. She had issues with authority and wouldn’t listen to anyone. But Dr. Kotler was one of the only people able to get through to her. Through Dr. Kotler’s patience and honesty, she changed our lives. She worked closely with my daughter and handled her behavioral health, physical health, and medications. Through her perseverance and refusal to give up (though my daughter did not make it easy), Dr. Kotler changed her life for the better. She is the biggest reason for my daughter’s schooling success, as she advocated for and individualized education plan for her throughout grade school, high school, and even college. My daughter continues to turn to Dr. Kotler in times of need because she established a close and trusting relationship with her from the get-go. Overall, my family would not be as strong as it is today if it were not for the outstanding ability and character of Dr. Kotler.
K Primak
Mother of patient
Love, love, love Dr. Kotler! As a parent of a teen with complicated mental health issues we have been through several psychiatrists, therapists, and countless medicines. Nothing was successful until we met Dr. Kotler. It has literally been a life changing relationship. Her compassion, intelligence, commitment, and passion for working with teens, in addition to the test Genomind, has given us our daughter back.
Lynne & Jim
Parents of patient
There are not enough words to say how thankful I am to Dr Kotler. I am a single mom with a preteen who would come home miserable everyday. She does great in school and all her teachers say she is a pleasure. However, by the time she got home she would be a wreck. I felt like it had to be my fault. I did not want to take her to a specialist to have them label her but I finally broke down. Thankfully it was Dr Kotler we ended up seeing. Dr Kotler not only listened to my child but to me as well. She didn’t judge. She took her time to look at each piece separately and then together with her and my child we put the pieces together to form a puzzle (our plan). Turned out she has anxiety and was holding it together all day and letting it all out at home where she felt the safest.
Mother of long-time patient
Before meeting Dr. Kotler, I was unable to find hope for any type of happiness let alone a future. I went through many forms of psychotherapies before finding her and her use of genomind. She allowed me to find hope in myself that I didn’t think was possible through her encouraging words, validation, and empathy.
Natalie B.
Patient of Dr. Kotler
As a young girl I had many mental health issues and struggled trusting people, especially doctors. But Dr. Kotler turned out to be the exception. She was the first doctor that SHOWED she cared about me instead of solely telling me. She was my biggest advocate from day one, spending countless hours attending meetings to ensure my success at school with an IEP plan, and was always there for me in a moment of need. As a kid struggling with anxiety, it was always a relief having Dr. Kotler in my corner. Between prescribing me my medications and providing therapy, Dr. Kotler really can do it all. She has talked me off a ledge on countless occasions, and even now as an adult I can count on her to be there for me not only as my doctor but as a friend. She has proven to be a constant in my life and I know when I have children of my own, she will be their biggest fan as well.
Morgan P.
Patient of Dr. Kotler
Our journey with our daughter Sydney began when she was just a toddler. We had sought out the opinions of many doctors , psychologists, psychiatrists and specialists to find out the how to manage our daughters behavioral issues and the best course of treatment for her.  Not only were we not getting answers , our daughter was unable to trust anyone which made the therapy piece even more difficult. The day we met with Dr. Caroline our world changed. Dr. Caroline knew exactly what to say to Sydney, there was an instant bond. A bond that, to this day (she is now 22 years old), can never be broken. Not only was Dr. Caroline amazing with Sydney, She knew exactly what to say. That day forever changed me I fell into her arms crying with relief because we finally met someone who understood our child, she consoled me and told me she would help me as well. Dr. Caroline built a trust with our daughter that was truly remarkable , she dug deep into her soul and was able to understand her how her mind worked like no one ever was ever able to do.  Dr. Caroline was the only one able to put all the pieces of the puzzle together to form a correct diagnosis and treatment plan for Sydney.  We would meet for weekly therapy sessions , however, if we needed Dr. Caroline outside of one of our sessions she was always available to us.  When Dr. Caroline works with her patients, she works with the whole family and she truly cares. I never met a doctor who cares for the well being of not just her  patient but the whole family as well, she loves her patients like they were her own children.  As my daughter got older and the education piece became an issue, Dr. Caroline stepped in as her education advocate as well, she met with teachers, child study teams, and wrote numerous letters all on behalf of our daughter, there was no stone Left unturned. When Dr. Caroline takes on a patient she gives 100% in all areas, diagnosis, managing medicines, therapy for the whole family, and education advocacy. Most importantly I cannot stress how much Dr. Caroline cares. Sydney is now 22 and thriving as she prepares to graduate from college and start her own free lance art business. Sydney would not be where she is today had it not been for Dr. Caroline. Sydney began treatment at a very young age, and to this day still says, “no one understands me like Dr. Caroline”.  I am forever grateful for Dr. Caroline and draw so much comfort in knowing that Now and forever, we have her to turn to, because this journey never ends, it just takes on a different road.
Pamela S.
Mother of patient
I wish we had met Dr. Kotler years ago! She is a blessing for our family and especially for my son who has a rather complex set of mental health challenges in addition to being deaf. For years we had been floating through the health care system and had seen well over a dozen different health care providers, often feeling like we were cogs in a wheel and no treatment was working well. Looking back, I believe that none of them really understood the "complete him" and the mediocre treatment results demonstrated it. Dr. Kotler cares enough to spend the time and effort that is needed to fully understand my son and she does not accept mediocre results! We finally feel like we have a true partner in this journey and are so grateful.
Mother of patient
As both a nurse who has worked with Dr. Kotler, and the parent of a patient of hers, I can truly say she cares so much about her patients. This is not just her job; it's her passion, and that comes through in every appointment. She digs in, asks all the right questions, and really listens. Much of her "free time" is spent responding to texts and calls from patients and parents and advocating for those in difficult situations. She is compassionate, empathetic, and one of a kind. I highly recommend her to anyone looking for behavioral healthcare.
Katie F., RN
Parent of patient
I would like to take a moment to express my tremendous gratitude to Dr. Caroline Kotler for all that she has done to help my daughter. My child has struggled with anxiety and a learning disability since pre-school. Dr. Kotler's behavior health services go above and beyond what most pediatricians are able to provide in a typical office visit. Dr. Kotler is an honest and caring doctor committed to giving each child and their family the time, attention, and consistent acceptance that is needed to allow the child and family to speak freely and find solutions. She has created a safe space to respectfully evaluate, diagnose, and treat each patient individually. She communicates directly with the patient, family, and education staff (if needed) to formulate a plan of action. It has been a pleasure to work with Dr. Kotler over the past few months to find the best pathway for my child.
Parent of patient